Betfair Trading Course - Ebooks
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The sports trading course products below were put together with great care and attention to detail so I could make sure they include absolutely everything I do (and think about) when trading.
I don't believe in saying one thing and doing another. My genuine goal here is to help people learn how to trade on Betfair, and that means to be consistently profitable, provided they have the necessary desire and determination to do so. Since 2011 I have helped many people do exactly that.
I firmly believe these are some of the best sports trading courses (and strategies) you'll find anywhere online, and the many testimonials I've received confirm that most of my readers agree.
Below, there are three horse racing ebooks and one for football. Due to requests from readers, I am now planning to produce a new course covering the various in-play football strategies I use, I hope to do that later in 2023. If that interests you, subscribe to the email list for early updates on its release.
Note: If you're a complete beginner to this type of trading, I strongly advise you to read my FREE Beginner's Guide before studying any of these methods. For an introduction to my strategies, as well as my writing style, you could read my free sports trading strategies article.
Laying The Draw – Properly!
Thanks to its excellent reviews, this football ebook quickly became far more popular than I ever expected.
As more and more international leagues were added to the Betfair exchange, the trading opportunities have increased significantly.
Drawing on many years experience of trading the Lay The Draw method in football leagues around the world, this eBook covers my analysis in great detail, as well as every aspect of my selection criteria, how I manage each trade, various entry and exit strategies, loss protection and more.
Absolutely nothing is left out, this is my unique take on this well-known approach, by far the oldest and most used football trading strategy there is. It includes all the information you'll need to get going and start taking profits with immediately.
This course has been impressing readers for many years now and I am sure it will continue to do so long into the future.
In Play Racing Trading
Until the release of my pre-race course, this was by far the largest volume of information I had produced on trading horse racing markets. It was also the best. I don’t mind saying that because more than a few readers said so themselves after reading it. Impressive profits are on offer here.
This ebook consists of literally everything I do when trading In Play (or ‘In Running’). The actual trading strategies are not what I would call 'difficult', certainly not compared to pre race trading. However, the formation of a clear and disciplined trading plan for each race is where things needs to be taken seriously, and carefully.
There is no time to make it up 'on the fly' in these markets, so the eBook covers how I analyse the racing each day, how I devise a plan of action for each race, and how I carry out those plans (the easiest part usually!)
This is an extremely comprehensive guide to everything I do in-running, it took a long time to put together and I tried my very best to make it accessible and useful to traders of all levels from complete beginners through to experienced full timers.
The Pre-Race Trader’s Bible
This will likely be the last product I publish. (Edit: Now with a possible exception of an in play football course.)
It’s also by far the biggest at over 460 pages. It took many months of blood, sweat and (very nearly) tears, and it was only completed due to continued pressure from my site readers asking me to ‘unravel’ the hugely complex (and highly lucrative) pre-race markets.
Most requests came from people who had read my fairly lengthy pre-race trading article published some years ago now. Quite a number of people not only found it extremely helpful, but actually took the information to the markets and increased their profits with it.
Considering that was, for me anyway, a pretty short and sweet stab at sharing some of my knowledge, I knew an ebook on the subject would help people massively if I could one day manage to produce one. Nearly 2 years later, I finally did.
This book goes into an enormous amount of detail (apparently too much for some!) and aims to take readers from square one having never traded on Betfair before, through to full time racing trading.
It covers every single topic you can imagine and probably many more besides. Instead of just teaching a strategy, with this project I really wanted to give people every last drop of knowledge I could about understanding, reading, and profiting from the Betfair racing markets. Some of this knowledge applies to many other environments too, such as stocks or currencies.
For anyone seriously committed to learning how to trade the pre-race markets and looking for something online which they can get busy studying immediately, I am confident you will not find anything to compete with this in terms of readability, depth, and practical usefulness. For most people it will require weeks of work both reading and studying markets to see the principles in action before trading for real.
Note: It's called a Bible for a reason, two actually. It's size, and its serious objective of teaching you every piece of information you could ever need in these markets. So if you're a dreamer or a system-hopper with the attention-span of a fly, please give this one a miss, it's probably not for you!
Laying The Field
This is a simple and very beginner-friendly horse racing strategy which lends itself to traders with and without bet-submission software installed on their machine, as this method can be easily employed using the Betfair website in a browser. In fact that's actually easier than using software for the lay the field method.
It therefore suits people with 9-5 jobs and limited access to a computer during the racing day as trades can be placed in the morning and do not need monitoring at all.
This eBook details every part of the process including where to source data and all the variations of the strategy that I have tried.
This makes it suitable for all experience levels, but it's particularly well-suited to beginners wanting to dip their toe into the horse racing markets without the need to learn about charts, trends, reversals, liquidity etcetera.
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