General Update and 25% Discount Code

Monday, 7 October 2024, 12:55

Howdy folks,

Thanks for the many kind emails I have had recently, and well done to those who've taken the plunge and started to make sports trading a big part of their future. I have heard some very inspiring life stories, as well as a few quite sad ones which I hope trading will help with long term.

I've also enjoyed hearing from quite a few beginners doing nicely with my Lay The Draw strategy even though it's early in the season, this only helps to spur me on to expand on that soon with other football in play strategies that fit in nicely with a session of vanilla-style LTD trading. The number of profitable opportunities in football markets these days are definitely growing, especially to those with an eagle eye (i.e. phone alerts) on in-game activity across the globe.

That said, it seems times are generally very hard for many Brits lately, going by the tone of emails I read about people's lives these days. I compared them to the kind of emails I was getting 15-20 years years ago, and it looks pretty clear to me that times have changed a great deal for the average Joe. It's quite sad to see such a change, with people increasingly looking at trading as a salvation from hardship, rather than a supplement to an otherwise stable income with potential to replace it in the future, as was usually the case in the past.

The current state of affairs affects me in some ways too, indirectly for the most part, mainly due to how life is going for close relatives and friends, battles with the (clearly collapsing) NHS being a big one, operations cancelled 5 TIMES over 2 years.... it's beyond shocking.and then I said

My own wife had a strange episode of sudden and extreme dizziness then bad sickness recently, the 'fun' we had trying to just SEE a DOCTOR (within WEEKS) was like a Harry Enfield sketch.

(My wife refusing to go to A&E on the basis of her moral view that you don't go there unless you're bleeding to death).

But I don't need to add more misery to anyone's day so I won't go into that sorry story. I'll let a doctor explain instead:


Technical issues have plagued me for a while now, between my computer setup and the website, I really have had my fill of technology over the past year! Long story short, the new site took months longer than necessary, and I placed too much faith in a young relative of mine. He's a good kid, but wanted a project to get his feet wet with web design so I offered him the role of building the new UKF site. I had my doubts but he was brimming with confidence (the joys of youth eh!), though we now both agree it was a bit more than he was bargaining for, and the upshot is the site is still giving me trouble and I want it better. Much better.

site issues

It isn't too bad for the viewer, but my end is a nightmare, managing it, updating it, quite a few design bugs and some major problems with emails coming through the server intact (if at all). I tried my best to make the best of it but have now decided it's time to pull the plug and just get it done again properly.

I need to get on with my plans for the football stuff, strategies, and updates (ideally tied to my trades in some clever technical way, more on that another time!)

The plan is underway (conceptually at present but soon will turn into action) and very soon I am hoping for a very quick turnaround on a new site which will be easier both for me and for the user to navigate, as well as some bells and whistles (ideas) we are looking into.

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, it's been a testing time and between trading schedules and general life crap that just had to be gone through, I just haven't had the time (or inclination) to log in and write about what I've been doing (which takes a lot longer with the current site setup). Just getting it done, nevermind summarising it in a post, has been challenging at times. However I look forward to being able to resume the normal service some of you have enjoyed for a couple of decades or so now! (Boy I must be getting old! 😀 )

So there you have it, you'll hear from me again soon with news about the changes afoot.

Sports Trading Ebook CoversIn the mean time I've created a nice 25% discount code for any newcomers interested in studying any of my trading ebooks. (Use code WINTER24 at checkout.)

As always, keep your discipline heads on and good luck with each of your trading journeys.

Speak again soon,



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