Happy New Year Betfair Traders!
My NY celebrations fell apart at the last minute so like a sad old git I had a nice bottle of 10 year old red with my 20 year old wife (well ok, but she looked it after the wine) and she fell asleep in front of some mainstream TV dribble, so I buggered off to the office to do a few bits and check out the footie stats to shortlist any trades.
How sad! Not really, starting the new year on a trading note is never a bad move in my book!
So before covering a couple of the games I am interested in, I wanted to wish all my loyal UKFT readers an exciting and profitable 2018. And here's hoping a few more people jack in the day job and take up this challenging but worthwhile lark instead - Trading for a living!
Pre-Race Horse Racing Ebook
The Pre Race ebook is on my list to get finished early in 2018 but I must confess it took a back seat for a while as, in all honesty, I found it incredibly difficult to write it while trading.
After quite a few tries, I gave up trying to do both at the same time. It's hard to explain but basically, just trying to think about explaining what I am doing, while doing it, doesn't work!
Horseracing trading just takes SO much focus, there isn't time to think about anything other than the market, watching the live feed etc. I actually thought I would be able to do the two things at once, but I wasn't.
It reminded me how even after all the years I have been doing it, I still need every ounce of concentration to get it right! I will suss it when I can afford a long break from my software trading ladders.
Just a brief footie mention...
Burnley v Liverpool
Burnley concede very few goals but I can't see them holding off Liverpool on current form. It's an away lay the draw trade so caution is advised, but I will be having a go if the odds get down to 4 before any goals.
Tempting but not confident enough in them scoring. If they get to half time without scoring (0-0) then I may have a look, if the game has any life to it.
It will probably be 2-0 by then, but happy to miss out if that's the case.
Sheffield Wednesday
Likewise, HT LTD if 0-0. Not confident about it, just fancy it, so maybe a half stakes job UNLESS I saw game play which makes me even more interested.
Everton v Man U
Same again, HT LTD IF 0-0. Unlikely, but if I get lucky and nobody scores by HT, I will be in for a full stake LTD hopefully at cheap odds.
Once again, all the best to you all for 2018, don't forget to subscribe for trading diary updates. 🙂