Thursday 27 October

Thursday, 27 October 2016, 18:57

I have come down with this damn virus again so I expect the next few days to a week will be limited time at the desk here, just so you know if I go quiet for a bit.

Another strong course of antibiotics began today which perked me up enough to sit here for half an hour and I had a quick look at todays small coupon, and one thing is of interest so I thought I would mentioned it quickly....

Gent v Standard

Normally a no trade as they are sat next to each other in the league. However Gent are immensely strong at home, and their goal stats (and form) speak for themselves:

lay the draw tradingbetfair football tradingPurely based on stats I would say the best entry would be a half time lay the draw if 0-0.

However the price is already approaching 3 which I think is very cheap considering these stats. It could suggest the punters are watching what might be a very dull game, but at such a cheap lay the draw, I think this has good risk reward trading potential.

I am actually not going to trade it as I am off for a lie down, but I would be laying the draw right now otherwise.

Will update whenever I am back or when I see something worth mentioning. More soccer trades soon.

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