Trading Update
Well Fiorentina was 1-1 at 60 minutes and it was looking likely they would score, i was watching the game. I decided to have a bit of a double or quits, I laid the draw again and intended to run it to the end. I stood lose 200 or win £375 greened, goal Fiorentina -- £375 greened 🙂
I haven't entered PAOK yet. Its half an hour in, and about now I would be interested. Not sure i will get involved yet, going to watch some of it and see how the game is going.
Update: it looks fairly lively and odds are at 4 which is a decent price now. Laying for £200 at 4. PAOK have had no less than 15 home wins this season, 2 draws and NO losses. That has to be a worthwhile trade, surely?!
Update again - within 3 minutes of entering trade, PAOK scored with a fantastic long range shot. It is shot after shot, so I am staying in, but hedged a little with a £6 back bet on the dog at odds of 50, just in case 😉
Jesus Christ - within a few minutes, the dog equalised. Hope you people are reading these updates live, its now 1-1 and PAOK are playing fantastic, it will be 2-1 soon, I am as sure as its possible to be of that. My hedge bet greened me £45, which is half what I had on offer on my original LTD trade, so that was well worthwhile, and I am sure the LTD will end up being a winner, soon too, looking at how the game is going, OOOOOOOOOH one off the post!!!